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Will you publish in a gold open access journal or in a journal with an open access option?

At Leipzig University, there are two types of funding for open access publications depending on the journal’s OA publishing method:


Journal’s titles list: OA agreements with publishers

As an overview, you will find a list of ALL journals covered by our current agreements with publishers.

You can browse through this list. For each journal title you will find information on whether the open access charges (APCs) are covered by a transformative agreement (OA Modus = hybrid) or billed at discounted/fixed rates (OA Modus = Gold), as well as further information on financial funding options.

Please note: in regard of the gold OA journals, the list does not claim to be exhaustive.

In general, all gold OA journals that publish all articles immediately as open access (ideally CC BY) and meet the accepted scientific standards of the respective field of research can be funded by the Open Access Publication Fund of Leipzig University. This also applies if the journal is part of a transformative agreement, such as the DEAL agreements with Wiley, Springer Nature or Elsevier. In order to cover the costs by the Open Access Publication Fund, the journal articles must be indexed in at least one relevant database and/or the journal must be listed in the DOAJ.

The journal’s titles list is updated regularly, however, changes cannot be mapped immediately in all cases. Before submitting your article, please check the publishers' website or contact the Open Science Office to make sure all journal and cost coverage information is correct.

An overview of all transformative agreements and OA framework agreements with Leipzig University can be found here.